Thursday, October 16, 2008

You define prosperity.

What's your definition of prosperity?

In a world where your level of prosperity is judged by the car you drive, the neighborhood you live in and the clothes you wear. Most define prosperity by the stuff you have or don't have! You know...if you pull up to the class reunion with a shiny new car most people will say.."uhhhhh there doing good!". But little do they know the turmoil that going on inside! The mounting debt, pressure at work, failing marriage and everything else that life throws at you!

My tag line is "Live Debt Free & Prosperous"! I believe that I should define the word prosperous, as I see it.

When I use the confession (or some say affirmation), "I'm debt free and prosperous", I mean the following:
  1. I have a loving wife that loves me!
  2. I have awesome kids that love me!
  3. I have great health. (My wife still wants me to visit the doctor more but hey, my life insurance company said I was a "super preferred" client!)
  4. I have a group of friends that I can call on and trust.
  5. My spiritual walk is ever improving thru prayer and reading the Word.
  6. Oh yeah, money works for me, I don't work for money!
  7. I'm free from stuff and money!
To limit prosperity to just money is incorrect. True prosperity does not only involve money it involves every area of your life. Am I perfect in the above areas I listed? Far from it, but now because I have my priorities straight and money is no longer number 1, I have found true prosperity!

What's your definition of prosperity?

Carlos Frank
Personal Financial Coach

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