Friday, May 1, 2009

How Your Debit Card is Affecting your Waistline & Your Bank Account!

A Debit Card Diet could be the next diet Fad!

One of the biggest budget busters that I've come across when coaching clients is "Eating Out"! All of us live busy, sometimes chaotic lives, where the last thing we are thinking about is packing a lunch or cooking a big enough meal that will last a couple of days! Why do that when there's a fast food restaurant virtually every where you turn in most cities and towns? And who needs cash when you can carry your convenient Debit Card!

As the popularity of Debit Cards grew, fast food restaurants scrambled to meet the demands of it's customers to be able to use their credit & debit cards when ordering food. Industry experts say that by accepting debit cards increase sales by 20%! But that also means your spending more and eating more.

Let's look at some of the health & financial Ripple Effects (thanks Eric Rice of constantly going out to eat and using your debit card:
  1. Overspending on food and meals for the week (less money to save & payoff debt with)
  2. Overdraft and NSF fee's due to lack of tracking your debit card usage
  3. Eating unhealthy food that saps your energy and makes you gain weight
  4. Potential Higher health care cost for you because of a bad diet
The Ripple Effect on your wallet and your waistline goes on and on! And we haven't even talked about how restaurants have had to jack up their prices because they are paying transaction fees each time you use your card. So of course they have to pass this cost on to us as consumers!

7 Tips to Help You Slim Down your Waistline & Fatten up your Bank Account!
  1. Consider going on a 7 Day Debit Card Diet. This will help you to plan out your meals and be more aware of your spending habits
  2. Review your Bank & Credit Card Statement for the last 60 days and highlight and add up all the times ate out. This will open your eyes and show you were your money is going.
  3. Include eating out in your spending plan - Set this amount aside in cash. Once the cash is gone that's it until next week or your next paycheck!
  4. Plan out your meals for the week & use that to create your grocery list and stick to it
  5. Cook large healthy dinners at night so you can take left overs for lunch the next day
  6. If you do go out to eat resist the urge to biggie size! This will save you money and inches in your waistline!
  7. Ask a trusted friend or family member to be your accountability partner. When you feel the urge to spend and get something unhealthy call them so they can remind you of your commitment
To Your Health and Your Bank Account!

Carlos Frank
Your Personal Financial Coach
blog: Next Money Step Blog

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WARNING- Read this before You do Your Taxes

I had to get this out as quickly as possible, to all my friends, clients, faithful readers and those that just stumbled upon this article: Say NO to "Refund Anticipation Loans (RAL)" this tax season and every tax season for the rest of your life, they are a rip-offs!

What is a "RAL"? A "Refund Anticipation Loan" is when your tax preparer offers you quick access to your Tax Refund by "loaning" you the money. Their sales pitch is "why wait when you can get your money now?" That is the sort of thinking that has gotten many consumers into financial trouble! What they don't tell you is that the average tax refund only takes about 10 days to receive.

Lets look at the pros and cons of a RAL for the consumer:

  1. You get almost immediate access to the amount of your tax refund (yes there is only 1 pro)
  1. High Fee's - An average of $103 was paid in RAL fee's per consumer
  2. Extremely High Interest - If you calculate the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) the average interest rate paid on RAL's ranged from 85%-500%!
  3. Only Solve Short term financial problems - Sure it feels good to get money in your hand quickly but if you have not gotten down to the core of you financial issues (over spending, no savings, ect...) it will not matter in the long run.
Here's 2 tips on how to avoid the rip-off RAL's and still get your tax refund money quickly:
  1. Take advantage of technology: File Your Tax Returns Electronically, instead of using snail mail.
  2. Set up Direct Deposit: You can have both your Federal and State refund direct deposited into your bank account.
By avoiding RAL's and doing the 2 tips above the average tax payer only waited an average of 10 days to receive there money. So this year keep more of your hard earned money by saying NO to Refund Anticipation Loan's.

Carlos Frank
Your Personal Financial Coach

For a free copy of Carlos' newest EBook, "101 Ways to Save Money" CLICK HERE and request yours today.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spend It Before You Spend It!

I have a new acronym to help you master your money! SIBYSI

Many financial experts will tell you not to spend your money before you get it. I totally,
100% disagree. I'm a firm believer in spending all of your money before you get it and here's why and how.

I call this form of budgeting the "SIBYSI Action Plan" (pronounced 'suh-bis-ee'):







Now there is a difference between what I teach about spending your money before you spend it and "Counting your chicks before their hatched". Counting your chicks before their hatched financially means that you go out and purchase something like furniture on a credit card or even worse “No payments for 5 years” plan. By doing this you are sacrificing future income and wealth for a present “temporary” desire.

That is not what I’m talking about. I teach my clients and students what some financial experts call the "Zero Based Budget" Spend all of your money on paper before you spend any of your money in the real world.

Here's how the "SIBYSI Action Plan" works:

Prior to receiving some money, whether it be your paycheck, tax refund, birthday money or bonus. You sit down and write out exactly what you will be doing with every dollar and every cent of that money before you actually receive the money. You spend it all the way down to Zero dollars and then when you receive the money you execute the plan just like you have it down on paper.

Here are the top 3 reasons the "SIBYSI Action Plan" works:

  1. You know in advance where your money is going! Have you ever asked yourself, “Where did all that money go?”. Not knowing what you are going to do with your money is like putting your money in a bag full of holes!
  2. You eliminate emotional spending! The worse time to make a financial decision is when you are emotional! And that doesn’t just mean when your angry or depressed! I’ve made some of my worse spending decisions in a state of happiness…..”our team won!!!!! Wahooooo!!! Milkshakes and burgers on me!”
  3. You are now being proactive! Stephen Covey writes in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” that one of those habits is “To be Proactive”. Being proactive means that you are taking control of those things that you can control. You are not being reactive and allowing things to happen to you. I call living “reactive” the “victims lifestyle”. Being financially proactive means that you now “Master Your Money”!
Try out the "SIBYSI Action Plan" and tell me how it works out for you!

Carlos Frank
Your Personal Financial Coach

Monday, January 5, 2009

Do This, and Your Kids will be Financially Fit!

Why do 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck? Why do most adults grow up with no money in savings but they have all the electronic toys, shoes and cars that one could want?

To answer those 2 questions, I have to ask one more (I'll even give the answer!) :
When you were a kid, what was the #1 reason you got money for?

Answer: To Spend!

Birthday money = Spend! Christmas money = Spend! Allowance= Spend! No wonder almost three quarters of the population could not survive financially if they missed just one paycheck! It's been instilled in our heads since childhood that the only reason for money is to spend with no thoughts of giving or saving! So here's a tip for parents, teachers and childcare providers to help raise financially fit children!

Whenever your child receives some money sit down with them and show them what they should do with their money. And then tell them why!

When I coach parents one on one or at seminars I show them that there are only 3 basic things we should do with money:
  1. Give - Because it's not all about you. This keeps you from being selfish.
  2. Save- Because saving is the foundation for wealth building. And you just never know!
  3. Spend- Let's be real, spending is fun but you should do it wisely! Just spend after you give and save!
And you do them in that order! By doing this you will begin to ingrain in your child's mind that they don't just get money to spend, spend, spend! They will be tremendous givers and savers. You will have financially fit children entering the real world of financial responsibility!

What are some techniques you use to teach your kids the importance of being good stewards with their money?

Carlos Frank
Your Personal Financial Coach