Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spend It Before You Spend It!

I have a new acronym to help you master your money! SIBYSI

Many financial experts will tell you not to spend your money before you get it. I totally,
100% disagree. I'm a firm believer in spending all of your money before you get it and here's why and how.

I call this form of budgeting the "SIBYSI Action Plan" (pronounced 'suh-bis-ee'):







Now there is a difference between what I teach about spending your money before you spend it and "Counting your chicks before their hatched". Counting your chicks before their hatched financially means that you go out and purchase something like furniture on a credit card or even worse “No payments for 5 years” plan. By doing this you are sacrificing future income and wealth for a present “temporary” desire.

That is not what I’m talking about. I teach my clients and students what some financial experts call the "Zero Based Budget" Spend all of your money on paper before you spend any of your money in the real world.

Here's how the "SIBYSI Action Plan" works:

Prior to receiving some money, whether it be your paycheck, tax refund, birthday money or bonus. You sit down and write out exactly what you will be doing with every dollar and every cent of that money before you actually receive the money. You spend it all the way down to Zero dollars and then when you receive the money you execute the plan just like you have it down on paper.

Here are the top 3 reasons the "SIBYSI Action Plan" works:

  1. You know in advance where your money is going! Have you ever asked yourself, “Where did all that money go?”. Not knowing what you are going to do with your money is like putting your money in a bag full of holes!
  2. You eliminate emotional spending! The worse time to make a financial decision is when you are emotional! And that doesn’t just mean when your angry or depressed! I’ve made some of my worse spending decisions in a state of happiness…..”our team won!!!!! Wahooooo!!! Milkshakes and burgers on me!”
  3. You are now being proactive! Stephen Covey writes in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” that one of those habits is “To be Proactive”. Being proactive means that you are taking control of those things that you can control. You are not being reactive and allowing things to happen to you. I call living “reactive” the “victims lifestyle”. Being financially proactive means that you now “Master Your Money”!
Try out the "SIBYSI Action Plan" and tell me how it works out for you!

Carlos Frank
Your Personal Financial Coach
Twitter: twitter.com/CarlosFrank
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/CarlosFrankSpeaks

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