I'm talking about the type of thinking you do when you sit down in a quite place and concentrate on one matter or issue at hand and how to solve it or improve on it. Many of us desire multiple streams of income, but have you actually taken time to think of ways to make it a reality? Remember in school we used to call it "Brainstorming"
I take my clients and my students thru an exercise that gets them to come up with ideas to create more income and save more money. Prior to the exercise they have very few ideas if any but in less than 5 minutes they come up with dozens!
Here's how to do it:
- Have a pen and paper ready (a goal in your head is only a fantasy until you get it on paper)
- Pick a quite place where you will not be disturbed for 5 minutes
- Clear your mind and prepare to focus on only one thing
- Now ask your self the following question: What can I do to increase my income and create multiple streams of income in my life? Then LISTEN!
- Write down everything that comes to your head! Do not leave anything out. Nothing is to crazy (ever heard of the Chia Pet?) and all things are possible. Now is not the time to figure out the "how will this come to pass". Right now is the time to write it down!
- Take immediate action on the idea that gives you the most energy!
So what did you come up with?
Live Debt Free & Prosperous,
Carlos Frank - Financial Coach
website: www.nextmoneystep.com
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