Quick question for you?
Are you seeking "Financial Security" or "Financial Freedom"?
If someone would guarantee you, shelter, clothing, lights, water, a bed to sleep in and 3 meals a day would you be content? I call this financial security. Or "just getting by" mentality. Just enough. Paycheck to Paycheck living. Do you know what the most secure communities are on earth?
Answer: Prison!
Think about it! Your guaranteed: shelter, clothing, lights, water, a bed and 3 square meals a day! Prisoners are the most secure people in the world. But do they have "Freedom"? NO!
Prior to working with me many of my clients feel like financial prisoners.
I propose that you should be seeking "Financial Freedom"! That means renewing your mind about money, being free of keeping up with "The Jones's", becoming a giver, breaking free from debt and creating multiple streams of income!
So are you looking for "Financial Security" or Financial Freedom"?
Carlos Frank
Personal Financial Coach
Website: www.nextmoneystep.com
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