Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I've got a problem with the Mortgage Modifications

I've been reading a lot about these mortgage modifications and how they are supposed to be helping keep Americans from losing their homes to forclosure. I've truly believed that a majority of the people who are seeking these modifications had no business getting these loans to begin with.

Anyways......now I have the numbers to back up the issues I had with mortgage modifications:
"a recent report issued by the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) found that 53% of borrowers who had their mortgages modified in the first half of 2008 were already at least two months" (CNNFN.COM)
Why, you ask? Why are half of the loans that are being modified going right back into distress and foreclosue? Because all that the government and the banking institutions are doing is dealing with the product and not the real issue at hand which I believe is the actual consumer and their spending habits. The history of consumer debt and paycheck to paycheck living proves that most people are always going to live beyond their means!

To fix any issue you have to go to the root of the problem! I believe the roots to this problem goes all the way down to the the lack of financial literacy being taught in our school systems. Ignorance is very dangerous. You show me a person who is ignorant of a certain fact and I'll show you a person that I can manipulate!

We have to teach financial literacy to our children, teens and college students! And you have to take charge and be proactive as a consumer and learn as much as you can! Go buy a book, take a class! It's never to late to learn! Modifications are more like bandages on a scab that keeps on getting picked!

What are your thoughts on this, do you really think modifications are the answer?

Carlos Frank
Your Personal Financial Coach

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